So how do you cap off an amazing week? You try to do it with a little bit of motivation that cultivates everything you’ve experienced into a life changing trip. Who else better to do that than Frederick Douglass? The house of Frederick Douglass is considered a National Historic Site and is well preserved. The tour started with a video to give a brief understanding of the legend that they call Frederick Douglass. The film depicted his interactions with influential men in society and how he progressed from an illiterate slave to US Marshal for the District of Columbia. It was evident though the film and the revelation of Frederick Douglass’ marriage to Helen Pitts that Mr. Douglass was an advocate of what was right and a defender of those who were wronged. During his lifetime those that experienced the greatest oppression were those of African decent and women. Thus he is noted as fighting for these communities and his endeavor for justice is quite often over looked. This really made me think of the phrase “Pick you battles” and is forcing me to contemplate if the battles I have chosen are because I am “supposed” to be fighting them or if I really believe in the motive behind the war. The dynamic nature of virtue is that it is always changing and the understanding of virtuosity develops as wisdom grows. I would go so far as to say that this idea has made me challenge and re-evaluate an aspect of my own virtuosity. Nevertheless, I’ve digressed.
The next sight was what I call the “Wall of Quotes” and a life size image of Mr. Douglass. I was sure to get a picture of the current and future legends. Both destined to change the world.
The next sight was what I call the “Wall of Quotes” and a life size image of Mr. Douglass. I was sure to get a picture of the current and future legends. Both destined to change the world.

Did I mention that the man was a violinist, a millionaire, a family man, a neat freak and stayed in shape? He had a music room near the entrance of the house where all persons were required to make music with the family even if it was simply to keep beat with the tambourine. Between the costs of his house, his yearly salary, royal gifts and purchased items Mr. Douglass lived the good life and would be considered a millionaire by today’s standards. In the house of a former slave was the tea set given to him by the queen of England along with a portrait of the Harrison Inaugural Committee in which he is pictured. Imagine the magnitude of a black man meeting the president of the United States in the 1800’s and multiply that times ten for a man who received several presidential appointments including one to the inaugural committee of President Benjamin Harrison. Frederick’s house was more than just a mansion of his time. Yes, he bought the house in 1877 as the first African American to settle in Old Anacostia (where blacks had been banned from buying property). Yes he paid $6,700 for the house when, in 1877, the average wage earner made about $16 per week ($832 a year), but this was a 21 room home for his family. He had a nursery built for all the grandchildren that were born and a special room for one grandchild that utilized the open invitation to Mr. Douglass’ house.
I think Mr. Douglass had a ‘type A’ personality b/c of the meticulous nature with which his laundry was tended to and the organization of his cupboards in the kitchen. The weights in his room solidified the notion that he stayed in shape though his elder years. By February 20, 1895 Frederick Douglass had done more in one lifetime than some can only hope to complete in 2 lifetimes. This man was truly an inspiration.
If a slave can become the master of his destiny then I know that Medical school is in the genes of my ancestors. This experience solidified the idea that the genes of African Americans are traced with the strength of those whose health, vigor, intellect and endurance survived the journey from Africa to America. Mr. Douglass’ story reminded me that the spirit of the slave is never broken and that there breath is the same breath the fuses through my lungs. I can agitate the world as did Frederick Douglass and sustain a dynamic virtue that will help me to change the world.
My time in DC had come to an end, but my experience will continue to live on though these blogs, through my new found motivation and through the joyful memories that I hope do not dwindle with time. Thank you to everyone who made this chapter of my life astounding, to those who extended their hospitality to me, to those who contributed to my pleasurable vacation and to all of those who allowed me to share in a captivating moment of history. Thank you to all of you.
I think Mr. Douglass had a ‘type A’ personality b/c of the meticulous nature with which his laundry was tended to and the organization of his cupboards in the kitchen. The weights in his room solidified the notion that he stayed in shape though his elder years. By February 20, 1895 Frederick Douglass had done more in one lifetime than some can only hope to complete in 2 lifetimes. This man was truly an inspiration.
If a slave can become the master of his destiny then I know that Medical school is in the genes of my ancestors. This experience solidified the idea that the genes of African Americans are traced with the strength of those whose health, vigor, intellect and endurance survived the journey from Africa to America. Mr. Douglass’ story reminded me that the spirit of the slave is never broken and that there breath is the same breath the fuses through my lungs. I can agitate the world as did Frederick Douglass and sustain a dynamic virtue that will help me to change the world.
My time in DC had come to an end, but my experience will continue to live on though these blogs, through my new found motivation and through the joyful memories that I hope do not dwindle with time. Thank you to everyone who made this chapter of my life astounding, to those who extended their hospitality to me, to those who contributed to my pleasurable vacation and to all of those who allowed me to share in a captivating moment of history. Thank you to all of you.
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