You would think that this is a pretty simple choice to make. I would agree; it is pretty simple to see that I would rather be a Doctor. The complexity in this question is facilitating this “easy” decision. That is what makes it a “not-so-easy” decision. Let me explain.
Success is not something you talk about and it is not something you plan out. Success is something that comes from great communication, a well devised plan and prestigiously executed action. So whether it is to be OWT or to be a doctor, the steps you take to get there are just as important as the choice to start the journey. Each step we take in life (literally and figuratively) is a choice in a specific direction. Whether that direction is backwards, diagonally or a side step, you choose the direction of each step by defining the goal. Even the pace and nature of the strides are determined by how you have calculated and executed your plan for success. They are chosen depending upon the circumstance of the task at hand and they are the steps that are the hardest to take; the decisions that are the hardest to make.
Ultimately, I’m trying to say that the choices I make to become a doctor can sometimes be jading. I see the goal ahead, but the steps in that direction are the hardest to take because it feels like I’ve been walking…running for so long. Do I need to rest or should I just push myself harder? Is resting actually ‘resting’ or is it procrastination? Do I even have the strength to proceed once I get around the bend? Am I even wearing the right shoes? These are not ‘easy’ decisions and thus the decision to be a doctor is not an easy one either.
This weekend I felt that I needed a break. I planned to go to a Greek function after I had studied for a short period of time. I realized very quickly that this was actually procrastination rather than rest. I had to decide if I wanted to Be OWT or Be a Doctor. That step may have seemed clear, but it took everything inside of me to choose gathering my books for another day of studying. I did it because I have come too far to give up now and it made me realize that if I underestimate the dilemma of Being (Fill-in-the-blank) or Being a Doctor, I will slowly venture into the wrong direction. What is the best way to make sure that you are walking in a straight line toward your goal? It is to monitor every single step and insure each step is positioned on the path even if that means placing one foot in front of the other. Remember, slow and steady wins the race!
I’ve discovered that, in my life, the ‘blank’ spot can be filled with ‘OWT’, ‘lazy’, ‘helpful’ and so many other terms, but as long as my steps are consciously directed towards “being a doctor”, I will get there one foot/step/decision at a time. The irony of it all is that THAT is OWT!

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