I know that we have all heard the phrase, “If you are not a part of the solution, then you are a part of the problem.” This statement has never been so true than it is when it applies to healthcare. Don’t worry I will be crafting a blog to address the healthcare issue later, but this entry is to reveal an opportunity for us to NOT be a part of the problem. Regardless of our view on the HR 3200 bill, there is a desperate need for healthcare and there is an organization that is taking a stand to do this.
Imagine a company that will fly to the most remote areas of the world and provide healthcare to 3rd world countries and areas that would never have access to this coverage otherwise. Now imagine them doing this for FREE! Completely free. Well this company exists and their name is Remote Area Medical, but they are not in the depths of Africa or in the rain forests of Brazil. They are where the global need is the greatest; they are in our backyard. YES! They are now servicing the USA b/c of the drastic need for healthcare and they are in Los Angeles. Every aspect of this organization is donated (tools, supplies and even the doctors volunteer their time). Now, they need our help. The service is completely free and it is NOT JUST A CHECK UP. They are giving eye exams, glasses, dental service, mammograms and everything that our healthcare system drastically needs. Please join me in volunteering with RAM.
They drastically need Optometrist and other doctors, but they really need medical and non-medical volunteers. EMT, RN, PA and YOU! I will be volunteering sporadically the whole time and a full day on Saturday and Sunday, so if you need a ride, then please let me know. This is not about politics; it's about people. I agree with the phrase, "People Over Politics" and that is why this is so important.
The event is August 11 - August 18 and their site shows the 60 minutes broadcast about the organization. (60 minutes Broadcast Link). All of the info needed is on their website and the volunteer deadline doesn’t really exist anymore. I called them and they said, just send in the application and show up on the day you can work. Doctors don’t even have to send in the form; just show up with your licenses (CA license only please).
Many of us are a part of public service Greek organizations or philanthropy groups, are community service advocates, have vowed to give back to the community that helped us or are simply compelled to service. NOW is our time to really put those words into action and be a part of a solution. Now is the time to be the change we wish to see in the world. So, I urge you to please do what you can so that we can start to chip away at this problem.
If nothing else, thank you for your time and have a great day! Check them out at http://www.ramclinic.info/Home.html.
Be Blessed, Be Safe and Keep Making It Happen.
Imagine a company that will fly to the most remote areas of the world and provide healthcare to 3rd world countries and areas that would never have access to this coverage otherwise. Now imagine them doing this for FREE! Completely free. Well this company exists and their name is Remote Area Medical, but they are not in the depths of Africa or in the rain forests of Brazil. They are where the global need is the greatest; they are in our backyard. YES! They are now servicing the USA b/c of the drastic need for healthcare and they are in Los Angeles. Every aspect of this organization is donated (tools, supplies and even the doctors volunteer their time). Now, they need our help. The service is completely free and it is NOT JUST A CHECK UP. They are giving eye exams, glasses, dental service, mammograms and everything that our healthcare system drastically needs. Please join me in volunteering with RAM.
They drastically need Optometrist and other doctors, but they really need medical and non-medical volunteers. EMT, RN, PA and YOU! I will be volunteering sporadically the whole time and a full day on Saturday and Sunday, so if you need a ride, then please let me know. This is not about politics; it's about people. I agree with the phrase, "People Over Politics" and that is why this is so important.
The event is August 11 - August 18 and their site shows the 60 minutes broadcast about the organization. (60 minutes Broadcast Link). All of the info needed is on their website and the volunteer deadline doesn’t really exist anymore. I called them and they said, just send in the application and show up on the day you can work. Doctors don’t even have to send in the form; just show up with your licenses (CA license only please).
Many of us are a part of public service Greek organizations or philanthropy groups, are community service advocates, have vowed to give back to the community that helped us or are simply compelled to service. NOW is our time to really put those words into action and be a part of a solution. Now is the time to be the change we wish to see in the world. So, I urge you to please do what you can so that we can start to chip away at this problem.
If nothing else, thank you for your time and have a great day! Check them out at http://www.ramclinic.info/Home.html.
Be Blessed, Be Safe and Keep Making It Happen.

It's time to give our community the healthcare we have been waiting on.
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