Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Missing Track

A friend of mine once told me that music can sound good, but can be very empty. She works in an industry that makes her opinion very reputable with me and so I asked her to explain. She explained that a great song is “full” because it has many different tracks in it. She showed me that each song has a number of tracks that coordinate with one another. The vocals are on a track, the bass is on another and the little creative additions are each on their own track. I learned that though a song may sound good it can seem to be missing something and be “empty” if the song only has a few tracks. I parallel this to a hamburger that is okay with just the patty and cheese, but is better with the bacon, avocado, special sauce and lettuce.

Of the many musical experts in my life there was one that could hear every track and every note in each melody from the apartment NEXT to the radio. I know that seems like a lot, but Dr. Finch had an ear for audio vibrations. I didn’t say "music" b/c he could hear the tone of a conversation from doors down even if he couldn’t make out the words. He was an expert in his field, but a genius in a dimension all his own. He was at a level where he was waiting for others to catch up. He obtained an education he could have taught himself just so he could prove his expertise to the rest of the world. I miss my friend in so many ways. I miss his conversation and I miss having access to a walking encyclopedia that would make learning black history and music an interactive adventure. I miss his deep belly laugh that got louder after I told him how much it sounded like Santa Claus’ laugh. I miss his listening ear and I miss that artichoke pizza. I always got the pasta, but I can still smell the artichoke and cheese. I miss my other big brother.

I’m listening to Chrisette Michele and I can’t help, but wonder what he would have heard in her music, her lyrics, and her tracks. I wonder if he would have thought the song was full; if the tracks were okay or if they were blended together perfectly. I don’t know the answer to this question, but I do know that her song is empty. Not because of any lack of expertise, but rather b/c the “Dr. Finch” track seems to be missing from the melodies of my life. There is something empty in the idea that I can’t share “Love is you”, “Epiphany” or “Blame it on me” with Derrick. These songs are great, but tonight they are empty; they are without a track that only some know is missing.

I don’t know how to explain it better than to ask you to imagine eating a hamburger by yourself, when you are used to enjoying the fullness of a burger with someone else. You’re just not very hungry and the burger, though a good burger, just doesn’t taste the same. All the tracks are there, but the music is just not the same.

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